MIPS Quality Measure #126-Diabetic Foot Neurological Exam
CMS has recently updated its MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System) Quality Measures. Measure #126 continues to be retained for performance of neurological exams on the feet of diabetic patients. As Measure Steward for this indicator, APMA (American Podiatric Medical Association) has done an excellent job creating a flowchart on implementation. Consistent with prior years, evaluation includes at least annual testing with the 10 gm monofilament plus one of the following:
Vibration Test Using 128 Hz Tuning Fork
Pinprick Sensation
Ankle Reflexes
Vibration Perception Threshold
O’Brien Medical is gratified to see that CMS has included vibration testing in two of its four recommended adjunct tests. This decision also reflects current ADA (American Diabetes Association) recommendations.