Category Archive: Uncategorized

  1. Caesar’s Guide For Innovators launched on Audible

    Dr. O’Brien is please to announce the release of his book, “Caesar’s Guide for Innovators” on Audible. A short introduction is below. “Julius Caesar is one of the most fascinating and enduring figures from the ancient world. His remarkable military and political successes continue to awe and inspire across the centuries. How exactly was Caesar […]

  2. Diagnostic accuracy of the 5.07 monofilament test for diabetes polyneuropathy: influence of age, sex, neuropathic pain and neuropathy severity

    A timely new study by Dunker et al. assessed the accuracy of the Semmes-Weinstein 5.07 monofilament in detecting polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes. They found… “poor diagnostic performance for the 5.07/10 g SWME in patients with diabetes referred to polyneuropathy assessments.” They went on to conclude that due to this poor performance, the 5.07/10 g […]

  3. O’Brien Medical Seeks Aquirer

    We have made the difficult decision to seek a buyer for the company. This decision was driven by several factors including the damaging effects of the pandemic. We are seeking a new owner that can take the company forward.  In the short term, we will be pausing production of the ETF128 and ETFMx starting January […]